
Student Emergency Action Plans

Emergency Medical Issues and Treatment

It is important to notify the school nurse if your child has any significant medical condition that may need treatment while they are at school. Examples of these conditions could be:

• Diabetes

• Asthma

• Seizures

• Food allergy with significant reactions

• Insect allergy with significant reactions

• History of organ/bone marrow transplant

• Cardiac problem/diagnosis

• Any other significant issue your child has currently, or in the past, that may affect their health while at school

For children with significant allergic reactions/medical diagnosis, there are “Emergency Action Plans” which are forms completed annually by you and your physician. These necessary forms contain the doctor’s orders that direct the school nurse how to treat your child in an emergency situation. The forms must be updated by the physician at the beginning of each school year.

The four most common Emergency Action Plans are listed and the documents are attached at the bottom of the "Nurse/Clinic" Website page".

Some doctors print their own Emergency Plan to send to the school. (This is often done with Asthma Action Plans.) The doctor’s form is acceptable as long as it is signed by the physician. You do not need the school’s version of the same plan if your doctor has printed an emergency plan from their office.

If your child has a diagnosis that is not one of the four listed, but he/she needs to have an emergency plan/medication in the clinic, please call the school nurse to discuss.

Medication Policy - A parent/guardian must transport all medication to and from school.

Remember, you will also need to complete an “Authorization/Permission to Administer Medication” form for each medication left in the clinic. This form is available in the clinic. It is your parental permission for the nurse to give the medication to your child.

Children are not allowed to carry any medications to or from school. A parent, or adult designated by the parent, must transport all medications. This is a TISD policy to ensure the safety of all children.

Suzanne Hernandez, RN

Lakewood Elementary Nurse

281-357-3260 Ext. 3607

Created By
Laurie Taylor


Created with images by andrewmalone - "Emergency" • Myriams-Fotos - "inhalation inhalation mask aerosol" • stevepb - "thermometer headache pain" • Myriams-Fotos - "cold ill fever thermometer"

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