Hello from sunny kent More like windy bottom

Let's start by saying Happy Burns Night. Here's a picture of what most English people imagine a haggis looks like isn't he a cute wee flying haggis!! Kinda wish he was real

We recently went to Bruge and got stuck in a traffic jam on the motorway. Unfortunately we did not see this lorrywhile whiling away the hours playing I spy!
This one just made me laugh out loud. Actually it still does and that's quite embarrassing as I'm sitting in the waiting room of Chatham station just the noo.

And on that very subject

Here's how the BBC should forecast the weather. It's a natty little girl mention that I fully intend to copy to get onto dragons den with. Watch out for me on that show any day soon.

Actually if the bbc did use this their forecasts might be more accurate.

Talking of shows, if you're quick and can download jools hootenanny off bbc I player in the next 4 days then you can see my mum and I on the show sitting behind Ruby Turner when she is interviewed. Mum is standing up and I'm wearing a pale peachy one sleeve dress ( couldn't stretch to two sleeves)

And here are some more funnies I found for you from Facebook this week

Today I went for my workplace interview at the job centre. I went there yesterday too because I got the day wrong lol.

They said how are you getting on and I said.....

Or any one who works with horses.

Yup that's me with the fat hairy little footballer legs in fetching shades of stark white. Even the tides running away back out to sea lol

Notice how I've only picked the best of Facebook for you

Wickes in Chatham ?..

Recently had double glazing installed. The cat absolutely loves it. This is the view I now have my windows and the cat.

Should say Baileys or Country Cream stuff that tastes like Baileys from Aldis

My mum is on the phone to Pauline every week. I imagine she says something a little like this ha ha

I'm still going to my Pilates classes every Friday.....

Still out with the horses every weekend

The following should say Helen or SP

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