The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt By Yours Truly: Victor Espidol

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The Spatial Experience: When I first entered the theater I was completely amazed by how beautiful the theater was set up and how amazingly detailed the set was for the play. I was completely overwhelmed and the space only added to it. Attending the play definitely had a role in the place of the Good Life, by filling my lonesome day with a fancy social play changed my mood from contempt sadness to joyful excitement. It definitely made me feel like I was starting to be more social in my first year at UF.

- My phone

The Social Experience: I initially attended the theater alone, so it was to my surprise seeing all these groups of friends taking selfies at the entrance of the theater. Luckily I met an amazing young lady named, Mary-Anne, and we took the photo above together. She was the sweetest person, an international student who was from West Africa, and she was had a great sense of humor. We later ran into my friend Willy and we all sat together to experience the play together. Honestly, watching the play with them made everything even better. Their laughs enhanced the humor of the play and made everything even funnier. The role of shared experiences in the Good Life is making real memories with friends that I can cheerish forever.

The Irish Times

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience: The play helps me develop a new way of seeing and understanding my culture by showing the difference between how vastly different the rich and poor are. It also showed me how important family and friends are compared to luxious goods such as shoes and silver spoons. Also it helps me understand how valuable it is to work hard for things, even if is something as laborous as working in a shoe factory.

The Emotional Experience: I really felt the experience of the young seminarian Talbot. How his family was considered poor, yet they put all there money together just so he can live the life to become a priest. I relate my life to that because I actually come from a single-parent household with my family's socio-economic status considered "poverty," and the fact that it's me trying to make a life for myself in college. The play gives and opportunity for Katharsis by reminding me of where I come from, and how fortunate I am to be here at such a prestigious university. It re-enforces the mindset of doing as much as I can to excel at this school.


Created with images by Alan Cleaver - "Theater"

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