Sebastiano del Piombo By jackson wiley

Sebastiano del Piombo was born in 1485 in Venice, Italy. He had spent most of his life in rome where he went to art school. He was trained by the ways of the Venation school and he had aso combined with the roman school. His lifestyle was mostly competing with rafael and traveling with the pope and painting portraits . He was an oil painter and three of his art works are pieta, the raising of lazarus, and portrait of Andrea Doria.person that helped with Piombo grow as an artist was Giovanni Bellini and maybe michelangelo but the pope was more of a patron because he paid him to paint. Isms that relate to him re Humanism because his paintings have emotions and naturalism because he paints it the way he sees it.

The name of the piece is giudizio di salomone which means the judgement of solomon, and it was done in 1505-1510. you can find this painting in the manner of the Wimborne minster in the village of kingston lacy in england. This piece was created by using oil paint on canvas and what is significant about this is it is people looking up at this man as if he is god and he looks upset. The people around him look helpless and he looks down with neglect kind off. he kind of is just sitting there as a high ruler or a god and these people want help but he doesn't know what to do. Naturalism is closely linked to this because of the painting is painted with light oils and it is simple piece. I also find this piece interesting because of the way its painted because I like light colors and the way the man just sits there with power.

If you want to see this painting you would need to go to England and see it in Kingston Lacy or just search judgment of solomon.


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