New Zealand By pariss shoubridge

"He who does not travel does not know the value of men." – Moorish proverb

Like a point on a mountain, here is a view.

Like a slice of heaven, one for me and one for you.

The snow covers rock, looking smooth and so fine,

The edges cut sharp down the thick ragged line.

Green steadies in, to bring back the joy,

Man can't go without temptation, old or just a boy.

The shades radiate to light, a bright spark in the dark,

The sun is shining blindingly, bringing life out the dull bark.

Waters divine, life sprung from the pores,

If woods aren't your thing there are always the shores.

Lapping tides, a gentle breeze.

The beautiful scenery forces you to freeze.

From high or from low, all sights are a prize,

You can't unsee the wonders that have blessed your eyes

A flightless bird, but still so strong, not a fuss,

Is the bird that is representing us.

Majestic, royal and most definitely free

How could you mistake the glorious kiwi.

Fluffy not fat,

Much more agile than a bat,

The cutest creature you ever did see,

It is a gift from god to you and me.

If your heart is a volcano how do you expect flowers to bloom?


Created with images by annca - "cathedral cove new zealand sea" • kewl - "aoraki mount cook mountain" • Jan-Helge69 - "Red clouds" • Image Editor - "Kilauea Volcano at Mauna Ulu"

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