Men and Woman's work in Colonial Times By Clara Bartalos and Phoebe Flaster

Here are a few things that women did for work and colonial times. Women worked really hard during colonial times. Some of the things that women did were mending clothes, making baskets, doing laundry and much more. They also cooked the meals. Women were expected to cook, sew, clean, care for the children, and care for the livestock. They used to check on their homes during the day. Women also set the table. Laundry meant scrubbing clothes over the fire.They worked from sun up to sun down every day.

Men worked long hours outside the home. After whatever job they were doing, the ended up sweaty and dirty. They also tended animals and put up fences. Farmers were all men. At different times, they did different jobs and crafts. These are some of the jobs that they did: blacksmith, gunsmith, silversmith, founder, miller, papermaker, printer, bookbinder, wigmaker and the cooper. They have also been expected to work since they were children.


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