Florida Museum of Natural History by sarah courey

Nature on Display: I found this specific exhibit immediately caught my attention. It contained many marine mammals that were constructed to be largely sized, and placed around the room including overhead. As someone who hopes to go into a veterinary field, all animals intrigue me, even marine life. To be able to see these "animals up close" was an experience you can't get on a normal basis, and I feel like I was more interested in reading the information on them because of the eye catching display.
Nature and Ethics: The butterfly rainforest is what I believe to be the best example of being surrounded by nature and instead of conquering it, enjoying it. Contrary to most nature exhibits, this isn't just plants and creatures behind a glass plate, but one where you get to enter the world these butterflies reside in. Instead of conquering nature and sticking it in places where it best suits us, this exhibit allows us to enter in the home of the butterflies, be their guests instead of the other way around. This experience is unique to this exhibit and through this tour, it gave me a "larger than life" feeling.
Nature and the Human Spirit: Although it is blurry, this photo is of the stalactites in the Natural History Museum. The big items to be discussed here are the mystery and majesty of the natural world. This section of the museum I believe incorporates both of those extremely well. These earth made sculptures are seen by few since they are normally located in underground caves in remote areas. However, upon given the chance to see them, you get to experience a majestic part of nature. The pieces themselves look like they are man made since they are so intricate and fragile, yet they naturally grow to be this way. I feel that being in this exhibit, or places like this in real life, give people a new perspective on the world around them. We are so used to thinking nature as just trees or bodies of water, but places like this reinvent that image to something beautiful and mysterious.


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