Statistics report By jose gomez

I chose this as my first project because it's a good example of a histogram of the last 10 games of the 2016 season

Kendrys Morales interquartile ab range is 1. I found this by subtracting Q1 which is 3 and Q3 which is 4 which then gives me 1. The IQR tell me that he gets 3-4 ab's per game.

I chose this as my second project because it's a good example IQR.

When looking at Kendrys Morales's ab dot plot. I see a cluster at 3-4 and a peak at 4. There are no gaps or outliers.

I chose this as my third project because it's a good example of clusters, peaks, gaps, and outliers.

The end

Project by Jose Gomez

Why you still here go away


Created with images by Mariamichelle - "fenway park boston massachusetts" • tpsdave - "great american ballpark stadium cincinnati" • mwlguide - "Baseball" • Unsplash - "baseball field stadium baseball" • tpsdave - "san francisco california giants"

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