HAMSTERS!!!!! By Vyshnavi and DELQUI!!!!


HOW DO YOU TAKE CARE OF HAMSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hamsters can live on there OWN when they are 3 weeks so if you adopt 2 hamsters, most of the time its not a good idea!!!

Hamsters need fresh water every day. If your hamster runs away don't worry because hamsters are active at night.

What is there life cycle!!!

all hamsters are born blind,deaf and hairless.!!!!

hamsters live on there own in 3 weeks.Some hamsters are alive only 1 or 3 weeks.

What do hamsters eat?!!!

Seeds,fruit and grain are good food for hamsters to eat. Fresh fruits and veggies are good snacks.

How tall are hamsters!!!!

Hamsters are about 2 ,3 or 4 inches tall, so if you see a animal that looks just like a hamster but is 7 or 8 inches it is not a hamster it might be a giny pig.

What do hamsters enjoy

hamsters enjoy tunells,exersize weels and wooden chew toys


As far as people know hamsters only drink water they could drink other things but as far as we know they only drink water.

Hamsters see only afew inches in evrey direction

Hamsters like to live alone

Hamsters are really active at night!!!


P.S we got are info from pebble go . com

Created By
Delqui and Vyshnavi


Created with images by Sheepie Meili - "Snowball 小雪" • Unsplash - "hamster pet animal" • Carolyn Coles - "Baby B Asleep" • stevendepolo - "Hamster Eating Carrot Slices"

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