My best experience

My experience at INCmty was great. It has been one of the best experiences in my life. I met many entrepreneurs from around the world and their projects. Some were innovative others were not, but everything was magnificent.
For three days we lived the entrepreneurial experience. We met Richard Brandson, founder of Virgin group; Tim Drapper, founder and CEO of Draper Fisher Juvetson; Jack Andraka, creator of an innovative cancer test; Maria Constanza Pardo, CEO of Binny Brun; and many more speakers.
We also participate in the entrepreneurial challenge, in which we present the projects we created in "Semana i". LarrĂ¡, sold handicrafts from the perzonalized region and ARES gave personalized social networking courses for companies.
LarrĂ¡ team.
ARES after passing to the final.
Created By
Patricio Zepeda

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