Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Venezuela From Spain Samuel Lemus - Glasgow Herald - (Translated)

Being born in Caracas (capital of Venezuela), as well as having relatives in Venezuela since about 1580, Simon Bolivar has had ties to this South American country for centuries. Now that he's finally succeeded in its freedom, we have yet to see what this perilous mind has yet to do next. Over many decades, Venezuela has been suffering an economic depression. High taxes, limited opportunities. and mismanagement of the colony were the main reasons the creoles of Venezuela started to resent Spain. On-top of that, Napoleon's invasion of Spain, only 8 years ago, was a main fueling to the desire of Venezuelan independence from Spain. For many years, the Latin American elites were tied between the decision of independence, or reliance upon monarchical rule from Spain. Napoleon's invasion was quite blatant in a sense, that its said to have happened as such follows. Its said that Napoleon had invited Charles IV and his son to Bayonne. There, which Napoleon had detained them and crowned his own brother King. Rebellion sparked against the French troops, originating in Madrid. Napoleon and his brother were eventually placed in Seville, under the authority of a Supreme Junta.

Whilst having developed a high knowledge in political studies and advances, his main successes were militarial. An example of which, only 4 years ago, not long after the fall of the first Venezuelan republic, along the Magdalena River. Bolivar had harassed, and eventually drove the Spanish out of the region, whilst amassing a decently sized army of which he obtained with the prestige as his independence movement progressed. Due to this impressive feat, Civilian Leaders of Cartagena permitted him to liberate western Venezuela. Once he'd arrived in Venezuela, Bolivar declared a "War of Death" against the Spanish Authority. His desire for such an action was to "win over", for lack of better words, the undecided Creoles to choose between independence and submission to nonstop colonialism. Finally acquiring more than just quite a few men which he had achieved from his army which had grown from just 200 personnel. Venezuelan royalists attacked in a sense that led gaps between their smaller armies surrounding Simon Bolivar and his army, but left gaps in their defense. Simon utilized this weakness, eventually leading to the taking back of Caracas, in August 13, 1813, which was considered a quite bewildering and impulsive attack. From then, after declaring a second republic, he'd adopted the role of military dictator. On their 2nd revolutionary attempt to seize power of Venezuela from Spain. The dash made for the capital of Venezuela (Caracas) was also known as the Admirable Campaign. Unsurprisingly, the newly established republic had crumbled in mid 1914, from lack of support from the non-whites. The majority of which were recruited to fight among those loyal to the king.

And in this year of 1816, we have succeeded at final independence from our mother country. Only 6 years ago, on April 19th, 1810, Creole patriots demanded self-rule during a confrontation with the net Captain-General Vincente Emparán. Although this led to a de facto Civil War within the country, a congress was called a year later to resolve political conflicts and the reflection it had on the Venezuelan citizens. "July 5th, 1811, the ruling junta voted in favor of complete independence from Spain".

How will the liberation of Venezuela affect the Spanish parliament and the effecting colonial governments?

Due to Venezuela being the first South American Nation to cut ties from Spain, how will this affect surrounding countries and Spanish colonies?

Will this departure from Spain be a catalyst for independence movements in countries such as Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru?

Simon Bolivar, whom was the mastermind behind this game changing event. An orphan who surrounded his youth in political studies, studying abroad and acquainting many people along his way. His main tutor eventually became a friend of his. Simon Rodriguez, whom Bolivar encountered in London after being morally disappointed with another acquaintance of his. Napoleon. Accused of betraying republican basic morals, after declaring himself leaders of many European countries. He'd been in Europe to cheer up after the death of his wife, not longer than a year after their marriage. After Bolivar's encounter with Rodriguez, he felt inspired to return to Venezuela and continue the thrive for independence.

Francisco de Miranda, an exiled patriot leader, had first purchased a captaincy at the age of 22 to be inducted to the Spanish army. Once imprisoned for disobedience, he fought against Great Britain in the year of 1780. In which, Miranda was then accused of misuse of funds. He eventually fled to the United states in 1783 as an act of protest. He'd eventually encounter leaders of the American Revolution which would fuel his ambition for the liberation of Southern America from Spain. Meeting Bolivar in 1810 in London, he was persuaded to join him in returning to Venezuela, where Miranda was granted a general position in the revolutionary army.

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