Final Presentation by lowndes commander

I am...

i want to use simple and effective design to advocate for people / music and to tell stories.
These colors and this font are used throughout most of my personal work.

I Like...

My magazine cover (left) and its inspiration (right). Kinfolk = goals.
My spread (a screenshot of the progress) and its content/layout inspiration from Wilderness mag (right).

i want...

MY main challenges:

  • lack of skill - overcome by simplistic design. This challenge helped me figure out what I like, and pushed me to do more of it.
  • creating with confines - advertising a client was challenging because I did not get to make every choice on my terms. This taught me compromise skills, and the art of building a brand for someone other than myself.

I will...


  • knowledge of music
  • ability to capture a musician's personality and/or an album's theme in design
  • incorporating my own photos into designs
I researched the musician in order to make this concert poster thematically correct.
I took this photo, and edited it to fit the theme of the album.

In real life:

  • I want to work in the music industry, possibly interviewing musicians.
  • I could use the skill set of being able to depict an artist well through design, and adapt those skills to doing the same through writing, and maybe even photos.

I promise...

to stay true to who i envision myself to be
to allow my vision to grow + change along w/ me
to consider my vision in all projects i take on

my work's common themes

  • simple design
  • continual use of Raleway font
  • both blatant and subtle advertisement of what I love

thank you for listening!

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