Eclipses By: mallory thomas

Solar eclipses occur when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. The moon blocks the sun creating a total eclipse, where it becomes very dark outside, but only for a few minutes.

Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth passes between the Moon and Sun. The Earth's shadow hides the moon or a portion of it. This also creates a partial eclipse, which is when only part of the moon is obscured or darkened.

An umbra in an eclipse, is the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object. Especially, the area on the earth or moon experiencing the total phase of an eclipse.

The penumbra in an eclipse, is the shadow cast by the earth, or moon over an area experiencing a partial eclipse.

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Created with images by skeeze - "spiral planetary nebula nebula universe" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Solar Eclipse - November 13, 2012" • Jörg Weingrill - "Partial Lunar Eclipse" • andrew.napier - "Eclipse" • skeeze - "blood moon eclipse full"

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