The Perks of being a Wallflower Stephan chbosky

This book was published February 1st 1999, This novel is a coming-of-age epistolary

This story is about what its like to grow up in high school. This book is written in a diary format, The letters that are written by Charlie (main character) are hilarious and devastating, Charlie is writing these letters too his friend.
Charlie is caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it at the same time and it puts him in a strange situation.
Stephen Chbosky is an American novelist, screenwriter, and film director best known for writing. He also wrote the screenplay for the 2005 film Rent, and was co-creator, executive producer, and writer of the CBS television series Jericho, which began airing in 2006.

I rate this book so far a 7/10 because of the way its written i like that its in letter form. I would recommend this to someone who enjoys diaries and enjoys writing

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