So, you've read the infuriating news articles about Congress messing with DC Home Rule. Maybe you're worried about what this Congress will do to DC - like overturn policies you support. Maybe you're wondering why a Congressman from Utah is spending so much time pretending to be the Mayor of DC.

But, now you're thinking - What can I do about this?

Great news! You can do a lot. And it starts with something as simple as a dinner party.

STEP 1: Get Mad As Hell!

Oh right, you're already there because you have seen this, this or this.

STEP 2: Pick a Date and Invite Friends Over

Okay, that's two steps, but you know the drill. This is the same as any other dinner party - but with an important element: we're asking people to donate to support Americans For Self-Rule, a new PAC that will fight back against those in Congress, like Chairman Jason Chaffetz from Utah, who think they can run DC better than our own elected city officials.

It's really simple - ask friends to come over and after some awesome food and company, tell them why this matters. We provided a bit of a script to help you with that - check it out below. But, the most important thing is to ask them make a donation online at:

Encourage them to give big because this fight is for real and will take all of us to push back against this unwarranted Congressional interference with our city.

STEP 3: Spread the Word

If a dinner party is held in a forest, does anyone hear it? Okay, maybe that metaphor doesn't exactly work, but we're doing this to PROTEST Congress messing with our policies, so let them know you and your fabulous friends are fighting back for DC.

You can tweet directly at Congressman Chaffetz at @jasoninthehouse or maybe even invite him. Trust us, unless you're serving Five Guys, he's unlikely to show up. Despite his desire to control all of our policies, he might not even know how to get to your neighborhood, and would rather spend another night on his cot.

Step 4: Share Photos

Tag photos from your event on our Instagram or Twitter account and use the #HandsOffDC to let others know you're serious about protecting DC.


Here's some pretty straightforward facts about what is happening - and why it matters:

  • DC - despite having more people than both Wyoming and Vermont, doesn't have federal representation.
  • That means while we pay federal taxes, we have no say in how they are spent (hence, that phrase "Taxation Without Representation" on our license plates.)
  • The House Oversight Committee - chaired by a Republican Congressman from Utah - is vowing to roll back policies we have directly voted for or our City Council has adopted.
  • They are already challenging the Death With Dignity Rule. We know that this a controversial issue, but the Council debated this for over a year and voted 11-2 in support of the bill.
  • Other issues will include legalizing marijuana, rolling back gun control policies that are meant to protect us and allowing us to use DC dollars - not federal dollars - to fund abortions.
  • But, make this personal. Why do you love DC? What makes this place special to you?
  • We can't vote for or against any Congressman who wants to mess with DC rights - but we can give money to support this cause and maybe even oust them from office. This PAC will use those funds wisely to put pressure on those in Congress who are trampling on our city and our residents' rights.
  • After all, shouldn't these Members of Congress spend time worrying about THEIR constituents rather than trying to be the Mayor of our city?
  • Check out more online at:

Invite us!

If you want someone from the team to stop by and talk more about what we're doing, just ask! Best way to reach us is We'd love to come and meet your friends.


Created with images by MonicaVolpin - "roofs washington dc architecture"

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