Couple admiring historical pieces of art.

The San Francisco Bay Area is a cultural hub where people can enrich one's culture. With the thousands of people who reside in this amazing area, there are many different ideas that are just waiting to be thrown out into the world!

The Oakland Museum of California

Whether you are in the melting pot that is the Oakland or immersed in the historic city of San Francisco, you will be able to find something that can spark your ideas. You can visit the riveting SF MOMA or the Oakland museum of California. No matter what side of the Bay Bridge you want to explore, you will find something suitable to nurture your creative side.


Go explore, enrich, and cultivate a creative side! We implore you to! We encourage it! You can pay admission or have an entirely free experience if you map out your calendar correctly! Take your car or commute on BART. Make your way toward history today.

The Thinker by Rodin. On display at the Legion of Honor San Francisco.

For more information, please visit or follow us on Instagram @gallerygeek for more thought provoking, awe-inspiring content!


Created with images by srboisvert - "Rodin" • alexandrabakun - "thinker statue thoughtfulness"

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