Mega words List 7


Marshmello and slushii are good and fun people.


Ronin is a cute little puppy.


Making Walterrific`s helmet is really simple.


I grew up watching every single Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes.


VanossGaming is an idle to many people.


When jak was little he was injected by dark eco, a purple deadly liquid. Now Jak can turn into a beast.


Daxter is humble and loyal to Jak.


The Krimson Guard are in a war with the Medalheads, The KG have been losing and winning battles, but Haven City (The city the KG are protecting) will be close to being over runned by medal heads.


Metalheads are a hassle to take down, but these creatures are fierce warriors.


The Krimson guard use these Hellcats for support on the ground, They also use them to protect the temples and especially the palace.

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