Socio Econmic Status Kaylin Carmichael, Laura Gibbs, & Jordan Barmby

Privilege Walk

You will recieve a slip of paper with a situation on it. You are going to imagine that you are that student ! You will line up in a straight line across the middle of the room with plenty of space to move forward and backward as we read the statements. If you think that you're situation applies to the statement, you will either take a step forward or take a step back. Let's Begin!!

Now we are going to take a quiz to learn more about Poverty. We will divide the room. One side of the room will "True" and the opposite side of the room will be "False". As we go through the quiz go to either side of the room when you think it is true or false.

How did poverty affect the students’ home lives?

How did this carry over into the classroom?

If you were the students in the video, how would you feel going into a classroom? Emotionally? Physically?

Remember, you never know what your students are going through


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