Felice Beato

Felice Beato was a man with great talents in the photography industry. Born in Venice, on 1832 and died in Florence, on January 29, 1909, Felice was a Italian - British photographer. Known as one of the first people ever to take photos in East Asia and had the reputation of one of the first war photographers. Felice favorite photos to take were portraits and panoramas of landscapes in East Asia/Mediterranean region. Felice had traveled all over the world practicing on becoming a greater photographer. some wars that Felice had took photos of are the Indian rebellion of 1857 and Second Opium war. An important influence that Felice left behind was a style of taking photos, which had an influence on other photographers and they had started to re-live the style of photos taken by Felice himself. My thoughts on the photos taken by Felice, they give me a interesting feeling. It would be cool to take photos of war and see the action right in front of your eyes. I like the fact that Felice used to risk his life to take these amazing photos and will be remembered from doing anything to capture the moment.

All the photos taken by Felice tell their own special stories. This particular shows great composition in the rule of thirds aspect. The tower on the left is in perfect position to balance the building on the right and the people on the ground. another is the viewpoint, a terrible viewpoint can change the vibe of the photo, but the viewpoint in this photo put all subjects and buildings in the frame. The light in the photo can be better, but the light gives the photo a rusty, old image, which is a cool feature. the photo captures my interest by everything flowing in a certain direction, this means everything in the photo can tell a story on its own. The mood of the photo is a friendly/ emotional moment, this means the people on the ground might have just seen their own town and all their belongings get destroyed. The feeling of losing everything isn't the best feeling to feel. the best feature about the photo is the people on the ground because those people alone can be in their own photo and still tell an amazing story about what just happened right in front of their eyes.


Created with images by Fæ - "Pai t' a, Miao-ying Ssu, Peking LACMA M.83.302.33" • djgold - "DSCN0859" • Fæ - "Forest of Steles LACMA M.83.302.37" • Fæ - "Footbridges and Elaborate Commercial Building, S. China LACMA M.83.302.53" • Fæ - "Imperial Building behind High Wall LACMA M.83.302.40" • madmrmox - "Samurai"

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