Boom To Bust By: Brianna howell

To sum how life was like for people during the 1920s-1930s would be terrible. People lost everything they had and had to move to places with very little life. I think that life was terrible during this time because tragedy can impact the human experience. In the 1920-1930 time period, many tragedies took place that affected the human experience. Some of these tragedies are The Great Depression, The Stock Market Crash, and the Drought and Dust storms in the south. These tragedies affected farmers, and business owners .

Graph of Stock Market Crash

Graph showing how much money was lost when the stock market crashed.

When the Stock Market Crashed, people were devastated. Things were going so well economically for a long time which caused people to start buying on credit and taking out loans from the bank to buy stock.

Graph of Jobless people during the Great Depression

Many were jobless during the Great Depression, people from both rual and urban areas. .

But, people could not pay off their credit and loans so they owed even more money to the bank because the bank lost all of their money and others lost money from buying stock that they did not pay for yet .

FSA camp for Mexican families

Camp for Mexican families provided by the FSA, to give Mexicans temporary shelter, medicine and food.

People were devastated and desperate to get back on their feet and make a living for themselves and their family.

People in line at a soup kitchen

People waiting for free food, could not afford to buy food or goods to survive. Many people were in this position.

They would move across the country to hoovervilles or use the land to survive, eat at soup kitchens, ride the rails to different places, or even go to work camps for help for their families.

Man having to sell his car for money

A man trying to sell his car for money, he lost all his money from the Stock market Crash.

Another way tragedy impacts the human experience is in the Great Depression and how people lost everything. They lost their home, job, car, and had to sell anything to make a couple of dollars.

Unemployed people during the Great depression

A couple of the many people that were unemployed during the Greta Depression.

The Great Depression caused millions of people who had a business to close or lay off workers and cut their paycheck in half. Because many businesses had to close, this sparked an enormous unemployment rate across the country. When Hoover took office, he tried to help lower the unemployment by using private business tactics. This way of assistance was new laws and deals that allowed the government help to banks and businesses. But, democrats thought they they were taken advantage of and received no help at all, so when reelection came FDR took office.

People in line at a bank to save their money

People getting the rest of the money they have out of the bank from the Stock Market Crash.

When FDR took office he promised Americans that he would make new deals that would help them, businesses and banks. He proclaimed a bank holiday which would close banks for a short period of time then reopen them. This temporary closing would allow banks to take care of any economic problems then so people's money would be safe. He also made new programs known as relief, recovery and reform programs that would help Americans in many ways.

Women working in factories

Women making planes for the men serving in WWII.

Also, women became a big factor during the war. When all of the men went to go serve in the WWII, women had to work in factories to make materials for the war. They would make tanks, guns, planes and other goods for the men in the war.

Lady and her home life

Women doing house chores, sewing quilt for her family in her free time.

Also women had to learn to “making do”. This method involves making meals from simple ingredients to save money and doing house chores such as sewing or quilting.


Excited flapper dancing, wearing costume with jewelry.

Besides tragedy, people did many things to escape their life and have fun. Some things they did in their leisure time are women dancing as flappers, the young generation going to parties and African Americans expressing themselves and their life through music.

Flappers performing

Many flappers performing, in a line and very happy.

Louie Armstrong playing the trumpet

Louie Armstrong playing the trumpet, the start to a new jazz decade known as the Harlem Renaissance.

African Americans would play their music as they were telling a story of their life.

African American Jazz band.

African American Jazz band playing at club.

Overproduction of automobiles

Many factories had a surplus of automobiles, people could not afford to buy them.

Farmers overproduction stock

Farmers had a surplus of cotton bales that they could not sell.

Dust storm hits a farm in the South

Dust storm ruins a farm in the south, sky filled with a cloud pitch darkness.

A last way how tragedy impacts human experience is weather conditions. Dust storms would hit the midwest and south causing farmers crops to get destroyed. Farmers made a living out of their crops.

Dust storm hits small town

Dust storm crushes houses, sky filled with darkness.

They would sell them and eat them for food. So when the Dust storms hit, farmers lost everything. These storms would fill the sky in pitch black and wind storms that take everything with it.As you can see, life for people in the 1920s-1930s was terrible. Although they did plenty of fun things in their leisure time and home life, people still were struggling in every way possible during the Boom to Bust period.

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