11.00 Descend to the Dungeon

An immersive journey, whisking us through 1000 years of London’s murky history. Pay attention to the way stories are presented (no death by PowerPoint!) and the way in which all of your senses are engaged.

13.15 Afternoon kick-off over lunch

Feast on a Benugos lunch on 19th floor as we set out the journey for the afternoon.

13.25 Learning from the likes of The Plague Doctor and Jack the Ripper

A review of the London Dungeons and discussion about how UBM draw inspiration from outside the exhibitions industry.

13.45 Your most memorable event

Speakers will take to the stage for a series of 1 minute lighting talks about memorable events. Our speakers are some of the brightest, most experienced event visitors around – you! Speakers will be chosen at random, so come prepared with an event in mind. It could be anything from a conference, to a festival, or a theatrical production. Think about what made the experience so great (and if possible, what UBM could learn from it).

14.00 The Luke Bilton Show

The heavyweight of content chat, Luke Bilton, gets up close and personal with an A-list star in this no-holds-barred talk show.

14.45 Into the fishbowl

Theory is put into practice with this group exercise where you will come up with ideas for innovative experiences in your brands. After 3 minutes’ discussion each group (otherwise known as a fishbowl), will randomly select one member (the fish) to jump to other groups and cross-pollinate ideas.

15.15 A framework for success

We take a look at innovation testing plans and ways of measuring success.

15.35 The Fish meet the Dragons

A fish from each fishbowl will present their innovations to a panel of Dragons in an attempt to win the much sought-after grand prize of the day.

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