Photoshop Portfolio Brendan poock

Photoshop Collage

I had no real inspiration for this terrible collage this was just the result of me attempting to rush out a collage after several failed collages. The meaning behind this was that after several failed collages I was starting to give up as this was my first major time trying to make something in photoshop I felt bad and was losing whatever confidence I had in myself about this collage project so this was supposed to represent me falling into this deep pit of despair. I tried using darker colors for this because it was supposed to be kind of sad which I felt it was that is why I used these dark colors

During the process of trying to figure out what I wanted to do for my collage I had a block since we were slightly restricted on what we could use like copyrighted characters and stock photos I think so I had a bit of trouble which discouraged me and I had gotten a bit sad over that which made me wind up making my final product which although wasn't very good I was slightly proud of myself just for getting it done.

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