Rock the Boat sigmund Brouwer

In this book a guy named Webb believes that if you want to reach your dreams, you have to live life loud and you have got to bring the roof down. Rock the boat. He wants you to make sure that when you look back, you have no regrets. But when a shady music producer steals one of Webb’s songs, Webb finds out how hard it is for a kid on his own in Nashville to get justice. With the help of an unlikely ally, Webb discovers that he has what it takes to succeed: talent, determination and some good friends.
Author of 20 novels for adults and dozens of books for children. Sigmund Brouwer visits over 150 schools per year to deliver his Rock and Roll Literacy presentation, reaching about 60,000 students per year. He is writer in residence for 80-plus schools . His latest novel, Thief of Glory, is the 2015 Alberta Readers' Choice Award winner, and his YA novel Deadman's Switch is the 2015 Arthur Ellis best juvenile mystery in Canada.
He tries to get his song back that someone stole from him. Along the way of trying to get his song back he faces struggles while being in Nashville and overcoming the obstacles that he faces . The theme overall is man v. man


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