Glory Bars Anti-inflammatory, hypoallergenic, 100% Natural

In the soap-making world, Glory Bars are considered to be "bastille" soaps because they consist of 70% olive oil. (Castile bars are made of 100% olive oil.) We chose to use olive oil as our primary oil because of its healing properties, and the fact that it's gentle and suitable for all skin types—regardless of age. Here are the top five benefits of olive oil:

  1. Anti-aging- Olive oil contains polyphenols and oleic acid, which work to improve skin tone and texture, and combat the signs of aging. Additionally, because of its nourishing properties, olive oil can replenish the oils lost by the skin as we get older—giving the complexion a smoother appearance and minimizing wrinkles.
  2. Suitable for all skin types- Olive oil is hypoallergenic soap and be used by everyone, from babies to the elderly, and is suitable for all skin types. Even the most sensitive skin will absorb the goodness in olive oil without flaring up, and can provide relief from conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
  3. Promotes healthy skin- Olive oil contributes to healthier skin by reversing oxidation and repelling damage-causing, free radicals responsible for breakouts, diseases, and health problems. The antioxidants in olive oil fight off free radicals and reduce oxidation—helping your body produce essential proteins and keeping your skin clear, healthy and blemish-free.
  4. Vitamin-rich- Olive oil is rich in Vitamins A and E, which assist with cell regeneration and growth, and have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties which block free radicals and help slow the effects of aging.
  5. Soothes skin conditions- Olive oil is a known remedy for all kinds of skin complaints, moisturizing dry patches and penetrating the skin without clogging pores.

All Glory Bars are ethically made from natural and organic materials sourced from ISO and organic-certified wholesalers that also commit to quality and sustainability. Glory Bars do not contain synthetics such as artificial colorants, fragrances, or preservatives.

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