
Learning Processes

Learning Goal: We will explore learning theories

Learning Goal: We will explore the Nature of Scientific Thought

Success Criteria: I'm looking for critical thinking and engagement, as demonstrated through conversations, posts, and products

Each group find a picture and explain on the Google Doc how it represents curriculum.

Talk about your experience in taking a multiple intelligence quiz.

  1. What did you find out?
  2. What might it mean?
  3. How might it impact your learning?
  4. How might it impact your teaching?

As a group, create a paragraph of your understanding and share on the Google Doc. Keep it to one concise paragraph per group.

MI should be a catalyst for ideas, not an inflexible structure.

MIs are not learning styles, a word from Gardner himself!

Richard Felder

Describe a classroom environment you might provide to support learning

PEOE: Predict, Explain, Observe, Explain

NOS (Nature of Science): observation, inference, scientific consensus, disproving, proof

More Myths

The Five E’s – learning cycle

(adapted from Bybee et al. (1989).)

Homework: Start collecting materials for Rube Goldberg machines. Paper towel rolls, tissue boxes, egg cartons... must be clean... no toilet paper rolls, please.

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