Akia's First Semester!!!!

My first semester had its ups and downs,not just in school but also out of school. But I never let is bring me down completely because I knew that when I do it affects the responsibilities in my life like my grades. Luckily the classes I had last semester really helped me get what I was feeling all out. Like in art class I painted my feelings and in gym I ran and slammed sand bags to get my anger out. My teachers last semester helped a lot too. When I first arrived this year and saw that I had the new elective teachers I thought that they might not like me,but it turned out that I was one of their favorite students,they loved me,and miss me being in their class for second this semester.I had some of the best people in my electives too,like my close friends Kayla,Sarah,and Kady. I don't know what I would do without them. Last semester I had good things happen to me outside of school too because my mom came home and she hasn't been home for 8 years so it has been pretty great spending time with her. My last semester was great and I plan for this one to be great too!

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