The Medalist U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Sailing - Issue No. 9, Spring 2016

The Medalist newsletter is your source for updates on the US Olympic and Paralympic sailing program and the national team, the US Sailing Team Sperry. This is our path to the podium.


  • Rio 2016 U.S. Olympic Sailing Team Roster Announced
  • Miami Olympic Development Camp Provides Jump Start
  • Sailing Foundation of New York Steps Up For The Team
  • Video Rundown: Meet Briana, Stu and Annie; fly with Paris and Helena; ignore limits with Sarah and Cindy
  • Snapshots from the Campaign Trail
  • News From Dockside
  • Shop Official Team Gear: The 2016 US Sailing Team Sperry Collection
Caleb Paine (San Diego, Calif.) moments after securing Olympic Selection at the Finn Europeans.

Rio 2016 U.S. Olympic Sailing Team Roster Announced

The athletes selected to the team not only proved they belong in Rio, but this is a team of Olympic sailors Americans can be proud of. - Josh Adams

The last of seven regattas comprising the Rio 2016 U.S. Olympic Sailing Team Athlete Selection Series has concluded, and US Sailing has confirmed the names of the fifteen sailors who will represent the United States at the Olympic Games this coming August. The team hails from eight U.S. States and territories including California, Washington, Maryland, Michigan, Rhode Island, Florida, Wisconsin, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The finalization of the Olympic Team is the culmination of three and a half years of intense training and racing by dozens of America’s best sailors.

Note: Paralympic athlete selection will conclude on May 28.

Inside look

The Luckiest Girls

Next genEration

A Good Start is the Focus

Recap: Miami Olympic Development Program Camp

Skimming across the water at breakneck speed, sailing a modern skiff like the 29er can appear to be an aquatic high-wire act, where one false move can lead to complete disaster. But looks can be deceiving. These boats are made to go fast and—as is the case with a bicycle—speed creates stability. Down speed, it’s another story.

Supporting our sailors
Members of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Sailing Teams at New York Yacht Club.

Sailing Foundation of New York Steps Up Once Again

Raises over $250,000 in direct support for Team USA athletes.

We believe these athletes should be training and preparing for the Games every waking moment and not worrying about raising money, so we are committed to giving them as much support as we can. - Dean Brenner, SFNY President
Inside look

Follow Through with Passion

Support your team

Less Than 100 Days to Go

This August and September, US Sailing Team athletes will represent all American sailors on the world stage at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

But they can't do it alone. Here's how you can help:

Inside look

Light At The End Of The Tunnel


From the Rio 2016 Athlete Selection Series.

Tips from the team

Flying Lessons: Trapeze Sailing

Limits Do Not Exist

The Medalist

New arrivals at the team store

For the first time, American sailing fans can show their colors by sporting the actual gear worn by US Sailing Team Sperry athletes at regattas around the world. Supplies are limited!

Team Media Guide

PRESS CONTACT: Will Ricketson, Olympic Communications Manager -, (401) 683-0800

COMMERCIAL INQUIRIES: Martha Pitt, Commercial Manager -, (401) 683-0800


Photography in this issue of The Medalist is copyright US Sailing. Contributing photographers in this issue: Jen Edney and Will Ricketson.

Created By
US Sailing Team Sperry

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