Goals of Sadie Shea English 2 Period 2

Semester Goal

My semester goal is to become more organized with my time and with my materialistic objects so I can't lose assignments that are due. I plan on doing this by cleaning out all of the junk and trash from my bag and have some sort of system when it comes to organisation.

Goal for English class

My English goal is to earn a B on my final grade and keep working hard on it instead of slacking off half way through the year. My plan on completing this is working harder, studying more and turning assignments in on time.

My goals for highschool

The goal I have set for my high school years is to at the very least have one book published and have another one in the editing phase while earning some sort of income from the published book. I want to do this by staying up late on the weekends and whenever I have free time in one of my classes write at least one line of text each day, even if I'm not inspired.

My plans for after high school

My plan for after high school is to get into a community college until I can get into a university or until my writing career kicks off and I can start making some sort of income from it and get an apartment, possibly with a room mate, until I can get a house of my own. I plan on achieving this by studying hard and not giving up on my hopes and dreams.

My goal for personal growth

My overall goal for personal growth is to overcome my anxiety and not allow my depression to sink me back down into my suicidal ways and actions after I've worked so hard to overcome my suicidal ways. My plan on accomplishing this is to try and think more positively and do more of the things I love doing.

Created By
Sadie Lesko


Created with images by MiraDeShazer - "typewriter keyboard type" • emily @ go haus go - "Organized Closet" • distelfliege - "Organizing" • PhotoDu.de / CreativeDomainPhotography.com - "Never have roommates" • Mike Sansone - "mybooks1" • jbcurio - "The Report Card" • Leader Nancy Pelosi - "GOP-report-card-web7" • bbaunach - "graffiti report card 1- close up" • ctsnow - "second grade report card" • Unsplash - "home office workstation office" • thedailyenglishshow - "US Actor Chris Pratt Didn’t Know What “Impotent” Meant" • kellywritershouse - "Arts Crawl 11.20.09" • AdinaVoicu - "study girl writing" • jackmac34 - "pen fountain pen ink" • Oleg. - "College Building, Middlesex Community College, Bedford, Massachusetts" • PIRO4D - "entity lichtraum exhibition" • Apple Jia - "Happy E-Mate old bones with tobacco" • chefranden - "Fancy House" • FootMassagez - "Depression" • xusenru - "sad child double-decker toys" • hang_in_there - "Anxiety Pills" • porschelinn - "15/52 "haywire""

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