Good Life Nature Activity at FLMNH Dylan Pinard

Nature On Display

This display immediately caught my attention and appealed to me because it was the South Florida section. Having been born and raised in South Florida and taking its history for granted, I enjoyed learning about the diversity that has thrived throughout our history. The artist of the "Six Thousand Years in South Florida," seen above, really drew my attention with the combination of different social groups that have lived in the same area over the years.

Nature and Ethics

I particularly liked the Butterfly Rainforest exhibit for numerous reasons. It was an interactive experience and although you aren't allowed to touch the animals, that won't stop them from landing on you! Additionally, this exhibit was so enjoyable for me because it reminded me of home. Back in South Florida, we have a park named Butterfly World that is essentially the same as this exhibit, but on a larger scale. There's no better way to learn about the natural world than going out and interacting with it. I think it's safe to say this is most of the visitor's favorite exhibit and we need to make great efforts to preserve this type of nature in the real world.

Nature and the Human Spirit

What better exhibit to help us step out of our normal lives than the one exhibit where all of its components existed on an Earth without any humans. I've always been captivated by dinosaur and/or fossil exhibits because it really helps put my life in perspective. These beasts were roaming areas of land that houses currently occupy, millions of years ago! Even though we have the full fossil collection of many animals, I find it a bit mysterious, but amazing, as to how they all got here, how we now how to put together the pieces of the fossils, and how we can, with today's technology, imagine what they looked like when they were alive.


"Gainesville Area | Florida Museum of Natural History." Zenfolio | Vince Lamb. Vince Lamb, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2017.

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