Call for reformers Drew smith

Progressive begin to call reformers. The progressive movement initiated a response to political abuses at the turn of the Twentieth Century. Religious groups, members of the press, and radical political groups all wanted reform.

Lewis hine wanted to expose child labor. He tried exposing this by taking photographs and made documentaries to show the terrible living conditions. He only photographed child labor in on the east coast.

Marie van vorst worked to promote women's rights. She went undercover to see what the working conditions where like in textile mills. She also was against and worked to expose child labor.

Lobbyist worked to influence legislators. These lobbyist tried to influence legislators to make laws that would promote or help out there businesses or act that they support or work for.

florence kelley worked to expose sweat shops. She helped immigrants adjust to new life in America. Florence joined the National consumers league. She wanted eight hour work days ,minimum wages ,better working conditions.

Individual states pass labor laws

Massachusetts- 1st minimum wage law In 1916 senator Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma and Representative Edward Keating of Colorado the NCLC backed Keating-Owen Act which prohibited shipment in interstate commerce of goods manufactured or processed by child labor.

The Norris-LaGuardia Act, passed in 1932, by Congress in the 1930s which gave the right of labor unions to organize and strike.In 1931 , congress passed the Davis Bacon Act , requiring that specify the minimum wages to be paid to persons employed under those contracts.

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