Australia By: Braeden Hibdon

The Australian Government: It might be hard for some to understand but it is a few different types of governments combined into one that is basically democratic. It uses different elements from the US and Westminster. It also uses the seperation of powers into executive, legislative, and judicial branches similar to the US. The seperation of powers was implied from the structure of the Constitution.

The Australian Economy: Australia, a vibrant free-market democracy, has recorded impressive economic progress without undergoing a single recession for almost 25 years. In addition to its abundant natural resources, the economy has benefited from lasting entrepreneurial development facilitated by an effective system of government, a well-functioning legal system, and an independent bureaucracy.

The Most Popular Religion in Australia: The most popular religion in Australia today is Catholic, a form of Christianity. There are many denominations of Catholicism, a few include; Anglican, Uniting Church, Presbyterian and Reformed, Eastern Orthodox, Baptist and Lutheran. The two major denominations include Catholic and Anglican which account for 42.4% of the Australian population.

The Australian Social Hierarchy: The social structure of Australia is unusually different from most of the others. It consists of five different categories including the Established Affluent Class which is ranked at the top (rich). Following that is the Emerging Affluent Class, which is wealthy. Next up is the Mobile Middle Class, which is basically the middle class. After that comes the Established Middle Class, its not on the side of poor but its far from wealthy. Lastly comes the Established Working Class, which basically means that they work for their money. There isn't really a poor class in this system and that can be a good thing as well as a bad thing.

The Industry in Australia: The type of jobs in Australia are a lot like the jobs in other places. They have blue-collar workers and white-collar workers. The work ethic in Australia is a lot more relaxed than other places which isn't a bad thing. The unemployment rate has decreased over the past few months, from January 2016 being at 6% to October 2016 being at just a 5.6%.

Australian Arts and Entertainment: In Australia, car culture is massive among the population. It has always been a great part of Australian culture itself also. It has been said that due to the "cracking-down" of cops picking out cars that are unusually customized and the fight back from the Australian gear heads, that the car culture in Australia is perhaps the greatest in the world currently.

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