The Game Terry Schott. Brantton Greene

Main Characters:

Zack/ Trew Radfield.

Is the main Character. He is almost 18, and very talented at the game. His love interest is Alexandra.

Alexandra/ Danielle Benton

Is Trew's love interest. She lives in a sort of prison for those who don't do well in the game, but she gets a second chance to go back in. She is also almost 18.

Brandon Strayne

Is Trew's supporter in life and the game. Sort of a Father figure. He invented that game and is one of the richest man on Tygon.


The Book main setting is on Tygon which the planet they live on. The rest is on E.A.R.T.H which is the world that they play the game in.


In Tygon instead of schooling people 5 untill 18 go into a life simulation called the game for 2 months were they live a full life. Trew did really well on his last game so he is going in again to try and become #1 in all of Tygon. Going into this game his old girlfriend also gets another chance in the game. They meet up in the game and fall in love. But inside the game there are dangerous people that have to protect players and others that kill the players. Trew is a special person and is chaced after by one of those dangerous people.

Turning point

A turning point in the book was when Trew and Danielle learned how to meditate and talk to the people outside the game. They used this to send help and information about people and what the needed to do to stay ahead in the game. Leading up to that, Ralph and Stephanie have to teach them because they need help against Carl.


Trew started ignoring Danielle because he started dating someone else but through face timing and meetings up they got back together and soon got married.

Trew found a book written by his part avatar. Danielle convinced him to believe it and because of that he started a new religion that quickly spread through the world.


I Would recomend it to any student or adult interested in reading science fiction. This books touches subjects as future technology, religion, and learning. It a good book that will make you never want to put it down because of the twist in turns of the incredibly advanced society.

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