Richie Land the choice is yours

The Choice is yours at Richie Land. You can make the choices you want to make.


#1 Can't make fun of/hate Mcdonalds, Dr.pepper, or video games

#2 the only thing you can eat is Mcdonalds

#3 you cant say that any other restaurant is better than Mcdonalds

#4 the only beverage you can drink is Dr.pepper

#5 the only thing you can do for fun is play video games

#6 Parents can't boss you around

#7 you can't be mean online

#8 you have to buy every console/video game that comes out

#9 you must order at least 3 big macs a meal

#10 if you are poor you still get mcdonalds, dr. pepper, and play video games

I'm Loving it
I drink Dr.Pepper and i'm proud

location: New York City

every day is another day at richie land. every thing is the same with every one. people walking down the street, going to shops and living in the big city.

you don't have to do anything in this city. there are no parents to boss you around. you don't have to go to school or work. The only rule here is to pick up a controller and play some video games.


Created with images by InspiredImages - "video games xbox one" • Anthony Quintano - "Battery Park city, New York City"

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