
Please sit where you wish

My Schedule:

1st Block: theROARstore

2nd Block: PREP

3rd- & 4th Block: Venture Advance Business

**I'm available most mornings, M/T/Th/F, at 8:00; during RTI, daily

Be Responsible

Be here regularly, on time

Put phones/accessories away

Come to class prepared

Be an "Active Listener"

Pay attention, stay on task

Keep lids on drinks

Clean up after yourself, before leaving

Know where to find (& utilize) Schoology resources

Turn your work in on time

Homework is considered practice... it will be used to evaluate your employability; will not be graded for correctness

Homework is due at midnight of the day it's assigned

We will review the answer key the following day, where you can make corrections if needed

Know your grade

Take time to prepare for tests

Remediate if you do poorly

The use of RTI time is your choice

Be Respectful

Treat others, your surroundings, and school property with respect

Use school-appropriate language, be kind to one another, do not use derogatory/demeaning words

Uses of Technology

  • Check for understanding
  • Class Resources
  • Polls
  • Virtual Simulations
  • Research
  • Assignments & Assessments


All classroom resources can be found here including presentations, videos, articles, web links

We will hand in nearly all assignments, take tests

Emailed assignments will not be accepted, unless preapproved

You are still responsible for work that you missed, if you are not in class

  • please check with the teacher upon your return

Standards-based grading

1. Activities & Assessment (Individual work, Tests, Projects)

2. Employability (weekly; based on your behavior, related to your work...late vs on time)

Grades will be kept on PowerSchool

Assignments will be posted/submitted on Schoology/Canvas

Getting To Know You

Technology will be used, but should only be "out" when requested

Bring a Pass | Take a Pass

  • If using the restroom, please go to nearest location
  • Across from the Learning Center, or at the end of the hall - across from Social Studies rooms

Absent > Find out what you missed; turn in promptly

Cheating is not tolerated, ZERO on work > Required to redo

What to expect from this class



Created with images by weisanjiang - "classroom guiyang tables" • cogdogblog - "Learning is Hanging Out" • Calum MacAulay - "untitled image" • PublicDomainPictures - "appointment clock countdown" • Hans - "glasses read learn" • sosiukin - "Everyone matters word written on wood block. Ever yone matterstext on wooden table for your desing, Top view concept" • JESHOOTS-com - "laptop woman education" • Štefan Štefančík - "untitled image" • sidewalk flying - "Grading" • Bill Ward's Brickpile - "Meeting Overview" • Steve A Johnson - "rules" • skeeze - "tornado funnel twister" • werner22brigitte - "building high rise skyscraper" • TeroVesalainen - "thought idea innovation"