GMO's in Agriculture consequences

When there are benefits there has to be consequences and that stands true with genetically modified organisms. A side effect of modifying crops to have a larger yield is that they can have the same nutritional value to be spread throughout that larger yield. When GMO plants are near a field that is organic, the GMO crop can cross pollinate with the organic crop causing it to be denied the organic price premium. The organic farmer can also get into legal trouble with the company holding the patent on the GMO. The company will argue that the farmer will profit from their discovery without compensation. There is also studies done on GMO crops saying that they can cause more allergies to differents food, this is because they transfer a gene from one plant species to another that can potentially trigger an allergic reaction. GMO crops have only been in the US for 15 years so scientist do not know the full effects that it can have on humans and animals. In the US, companies do not have to test for safety on new GMO crops as long as they are not “significantly different” from the original crop even though changes are made in the genes.


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