The Baker Hotel beautiful decay

I suppose the Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas could be compared to the Titanic in terms of its ruins. Like the Titanic, there was a moment in time when this huge opulent structure, so full of life, became nothing but an empty shell. It thrived primarily because of Mineral Wells itself, recognized as a spa with health benefits and attracted thousands of people each year. The hotel was completed in 1929 and reached the peak of its success during the next ten years. As antibiotics were discovered, however, the numbers of visitors to the town dramatically declined. The hotel survived through the tough times of World War II and beyond but eventually closed its doors on April 30, 1963.

The exterior is quite impressive and shows less signs of decay than I first imagined.

I didn't really know much about the hotel aside from seeing a few celebrity guest photos from back in the 1940s. Shannon and JP suggested we visit the place because they thought I would find it interesting to photograph. As we approached Mineral Wells, the hotel loomed above everything else like something from Gotham City. We found a parking spot and got up close and personal. All doors are bolted and chained so, unless you get really creative and risk a heavy fine or jail time by breaking in, the exterior is about all that's accessible.

The windows and frames are broken on all fourteen floors.

I was excited to see that some of the doors had large holes. Whether intentionally put there for visitors or as a result of vandalism I don't know but they offered a portal into another time. I used a wide angle lens and slow shutter speed and slid my camera through the opening to get some amazingly detailed images.

Time stood still.

The interior is pretty dilapidated but much of the bones of the place appears to be intact. There are even chandeliers still hanging from the crumbling ceiling.

You can clearly see the chandeliers in this shot.

There have been many reports of ghosts associated with the hotel. The most popular is of the so-called mistress of the hotel manager. She was so distraught by the affair that she jumped from the top of the building to her death. Since then, she has apparently been seen on the seventh floor by numerous witnesses.

The rear of the hotel was both creepy and intriguing
The graffiti enhances the mood.

There have been many unsuccessful attempts to revive the Baker Hotel back to its original glory but, through the persistent efforts of the local community and investors, it's now looking like it will be restored once again.

An old light fixture on the patio ceiling.

I love creepy old buildings so this visit was very satisfying and fulfilling. I always feel a certain sadness in the midst of this kind of decay. It's like a nostalgia for something I didn't even experience. At least for now it looks like this particular structure will breathe new life once again. I'll be following its progress closely.

The patio outside the Baker Hotel.

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Created By
Steven Dempsey

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