I have been watching the show for months now and even re-watched the series. I am a huge fan of the show. I also frequently tune in online to see what people are saying about the series.

Hypothesis: I am assuming that one of the main characters, Fiona Gallagher will be talked about most and in positive aspects since she is the main person who holds the family together.

Key words I chose: Fiona, Frank, Lip, Chicago, University

Key words Voyant found: children, gold, months, parent, Fiona

Omission list: Tv, Showtime, Shameless, suburbs, house, neighborhood, he's, she's, series, like, reply, comment, hers, his, post, embed, embedded, share, ago, liked

Most common word found by Voyant in all documents: gold
One of the least common words found by Voyant: Lip

I guess I did not know so much about the show as I thought.......

Gold? Really?? No idea what some of the words even mean or why they appeared so much in an online setting.

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