IV. Developing Parent Partnerships with Quality Communication Module 4 of 4

Learning Objectives

  • Identify strategies to engage parents in communication
  • Understand the importance of establishing parent contact early in the school year
  • Identify stragegies to keep communication open all year
In this parent involvement module, you will find tips to developing and maintaining parent partnerships with quality communication.
Establishing a good relationship with parents at the beginning of the school year is essential. Parental involvement is the single most powerful indicator of a child's academic success, even more so than academic ability or socioeconomic status. Misunderstandings between parents, teachers, and students are common. They can be lessened by developing strong parental partnerships. In this parent involvement module, you will find tips to developing and maintaining parent partnerships with quality communication.

Communicate Procedures and Expectations

With high student mobility rates, planning ahead can save a lot of time. Create a Welcome Packet to help new students and parents become familiar with classroom expectations.
What are some items a welcome packet might include?
  • Introduction letter with your contact information
  • School Information (dress code, school PBS Plan)
  • Parent volunteer opportunities
  • Classroom behavior plan
  • Daily schedule
  • Homework expectations
  • Grading practices
  • Communication expectations (email, weekly newsletter, daily folder, spiral notebook, etc)
  • Links to resources and information for parents and students
Purposeful Parent Compacts: A Title I Mandate

Meet early in the year with each parent to establish communication and set expectations. This is a good time to discuss and develop the Parent School Compact. Watch this video for information from Eugenia Robinson on Purposeful Compacts:

Final Thoughts
  • Communicate often. Regular contact with parents shows them that you are committed to their child's success and are available to help.
  • Be Flexible. Have several options for availability times to meet with parents.
  • Do not make assumptions. Do not assume parents do not want to be involved or already understand expectations you have not shared with them personally.
  • Be understanding. Listen to parents' concerns. Build trusting relationships by seeking to work with parents, not against them.
  • Show appreciation. Let parents know you appreciate their involvement.

Please take a moment to complete this brief survey to provide feedback and document your participation.

This concludes Module 4: Developing Parent Partnerships with Quality Communication


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