Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art Lauren Mixon

Medium of the Art

Elusive Spirits: African Masquarades, The Julia C. and Budd H. Bishop Gallery

In the piece above, sculpture was used to create a unique piece of art. I chose to use this piece because I feel like sculpture is a medium of art that often gets overlooked by people in my generation. The lighting placed strategically on this piece allowed for the appearance of shadows, which was neat to me. I enjoyed this piece because it put into perspective how much work was put into creating this display. Although this piece was plain in color, the details and use of black and white are what made it all worthwhile.

Design of the Museum

Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, January 18, 2017

What I found unique about the Harn was that it is the most plain color, white. The wall full of windows near the entrance created authentic, natural light that made the pieces of art easy to view. One of my favorite sections of art was all of the outdoor sculptures. They make the museum appear inviting and show that the museum encompasses tons of creativity that is waiting to be explored. The creators of the museum did a great job of making use of every section of free space.

Art and Core Values

Untitled, from the Kitchen Table Series, 1990/2000

I was drawn to this print in particular because I love makeup, so naturally I wanted to learn more about this picture. The emotion I felt while looking at this was love. It made me miss my own mother. You can feel the emotion that the little girl has, wanting to be just like her mother. The woman is teaching her daughter independence. It is so special for the daughter to want to be involved in what the mother is doing and it makes me appreciate my own mother and all she has taught me by looking at this piece. I cherish all of the memories I have with my mother and family when looking at the relationship between these two.

Art and the Good Life

Face Mask (gunyege), Dan people, wood, 20th Century

This mask was thought provoking to me because it is unlike anything that I have been around in my culture. These masks are used for religious purposes and at ceremonies. This mask could be a part of a person's Good Life. Viewing this mask and reading about the culture of others gave me a sense of appreciation. Although the people that use these types of masks have different beliefs than I do, learning more about others teaches me to live in harmony with everyone. The theme of seeking can relate to this mask because it is believed that a life force can reincarnate itself into this mask. Those that are still searching for their Good Life could view this as an opportunity to reach the full potential.

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