Coach V's Dream Cottage: by Blue print and cost calculation:

To begin this project, I first draw 3 blue print. One is birds eye view, one is from the front and one form the roof. After deciding upon the dimensions of the structure (14m by 3m).

I have five rooms, Master room, badroom, kitchen, living room and the 2 bedmooms. I total I have 82m square. The birds view look like this;

For the front view I have 56m square with no rooms. With the rooms I have 73m square. For the roof I have 14m square and 21m square with the windows. This is how the front view and the roof look like;

Now the cost calculation, fro the front, back, roof, the volume and the sides. There is the calculation for the front and the back.

Cost calculation for the roof and the volume.

After completing the blueprints, my next task was to design a 3-dimensional version of my cottage. I used Tinkercad, I was able to make exterior walls, interior walls, and windows for my home. Additionally, I put a roof on top of the house using the triangular prism button. It's was need to be on scale.

They are the views of my cottage from each perspective. The front, the back, one the two sides, left and right and inside so the rooms and the roof. Each perspective was then used to help calculate the costs associated with painting the walls putting shingles on the roof, and heating the home.

The view of the left side and the right side.
Right side.
A view of the front and the back of the cottage.

In the case of this project, we need to calculate the surface area of the exterior walls, the area of the rooftop, and the volume of the home in order to find the cost of paint, shingles, and heating.

There is the calculation for the roof and the volume.
There is the calculation for the front and the back of the cottage.

All these cost calculation are for the painting. In total for these calculation I have 48,50 euros for painting. Now for the roofing cost and the Heating cost.

In total Mr. V would need to pay a total of 1428 euros. Including 48,50 euros for painting, 798, 75 euros for roofing cost and Heating cost to pay for 3 months of heating during the cold and 600 euros for a new roof. There is the BEAUTIFUL cottage form Coach V's.

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