Should Ntaive mascots be allowed? Heres my point of view PedrO avila

I do think teams and schools should be allowed to use Native Americans mascots. Why? Lets find out

Most Native Americans really just don't care or feel offended by teams and schools using Native Americans as thier mascots. According to the article ''New poll find 9 in 10 Natives Americans aren't offended by Redskins name-The Washington post'' in the article it says" nine in ten native americans say they are not offended by the Washington Redskins name" I chose this because most Native Americans feel honored by these teams with Native Americans mascot show pride and honor to Native Americans.

This is one team with a Native American mascot

Some Native Americans feel honored for example in the article "Tribe wants town to keep Native American on its logo" says "we seminoles embrace the mascot'',says James Billie, the tribes chairman. '' they honor us." This quote supports my claim "honoring them" because James Billie said it himself "They honor us" how? Well we (as in teams) gives them hope to forget the past yes some do feel offended but some even fought to keep the Indians mascots at school.

"They honor us" -James Billie

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