Pax By: Sara PennyPacker


"You may be on your own, but you won't be alone" (220).

Vola is able to set Peter off for his long journey after she takes care of him. For example, taking care of his broken foot, helping him deal with his anger, and feeding him. Peter is able to face a coyote because he wanted to save Pax his pet that he likes so much and with the help of Vola he can beat a coyote everyday because Vola gave him strength physically and mentally.

"I'm going to leave the porch door open" (227).

This picture shows Bristle, Runt and Grey in the wild.

The kindness and compassion that Grey and Bristle give Pax and help him throughout his long journey. Pax is also very naive in the wild and this shows that without his trait (naive) Also as Pax becomes more comfortable in the wild, he shows kindness to all of the other foxes. For example, when Grey died, Pax stayed with him until his final moment. Pax also defends Grey and Bristle against other animals in the wild. This shows that the theme because Pax's theme is "KINDNESS, COMPASSION AND EMPATHY ARE NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL IN DIFFICULT TIMES." and this is why I chose this theme.

Pax in the wild before he found Bristle, Runt, and Grey
Peter's mom's gold bracelet

Peter's mom's gold bracelet is very important to him because this reminds him of his mom. It was her bracelet before she died. Peter knows that she had let him play with the charm on the bracelet because he has seen pictures. The charm is a phoenix, a bird that Peter’s mother told him would rise from its own ashes.

A picture of peace "PAX"


Created with images by skeeze - "gray fox kits young babies" • tpsdave - "colorado fox animal"

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