Child Labor by: Iliana Enriquez

Child labor's are not simply working an after school job, they are children who have had their safety,education, and childhoods taken away from them. Many of them work for no to little pay. Child labor is work that harms children and keeps them from attending school. The International Labor Organization estimates that 215 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 currently work under conditions that a are considered illegal, hazardous, or extremely exploitave.

Poverty, migration, lack of access to quality education, unemployed parents are some reasons that force children into labour depriving them of their right to education, development- and a childhood. Today there are at least 20,000 slaves under the age of 18 in the United States. According to the Department of Justice, the average of these children is 13 years old. 80% of these children are girls and 80% of those girls are sexual slaves. The life expectancy of girls is 7 – 10 years from the time of their abduction and the start of their enslavement. On a daily baisis they face rape, assult, neglect, starvation, torture, false imprisonment, exploitation, drugging, emotional, physical, and mental abuse.

To help prevent these problems a program named CRY America tackles the root causes which force children to work, ensuring they are moved out of work into school. Help them in making a difference. Every contribution counts

Here is a List of Modern Day Forms of Child Labor

Show Business, Retail or service, Domestic Work, Tourism Labor, Street Child Labor, Farming, Manufacture, Mining, Soldiering, Trafficking

These all include at least one of the following characteristics

. Violates a nation's minimum age laws

.Threatens children's physical, mental, or emotional well-being

.Involves intolerable abuses, such as a child slavery, child trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor, or illicit activities

.Presents children from going to school

.Uses children to undetermined labor standards

In the early decades of the twentieth century, the numbers of child laborers in the U.S. peaked. Child labor began to decline as the labor and reform movements grew and labor standards in general began improving, increasing the political power of working people and other social reformers to demand legislation regulating child labor. Union organizing and child labor reform were often intertwined, and common initiatives were conducted by organizations led by working women and middle class consumers, such as state Consumers’ Leagues and Working Women’s Societies. These organizations generated the National Consumers’ League in 1899 and the National Child Labor Committee in 1904, which shared goals of challenging child labor, including through anti-sweatshop campaigns and labeling programs. The National Child Labor Committee’s work to end child labor was combined with efforts to provide free, compulsory education for all children, and culminated in the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938, which set federal standards for child labor." To learn more about this topic visit the following websites.


Created with images by Children's Bureau Centennial - "LC-DIG-nclc-00725 Child Labor Rural" • CazzJj - "Child labour"

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