Diary Victor jin

Day 1

Today we have started to compose the music composition, we have talked about how we are supposed to use it and we saw some videos talking about how to use the application Garageband, I downloaded this application before, but I didn't know how to use it so I deleted it, but know, after this class I have learned how to use it, and when you know how to use this is fun!

Day 2

Today I started my composition, I have introduced the intelligent drummer, that GarageBand calls him Kyle, and I used him for the base, then l introduced the violins, in the cinematic style, it has also the the house drums so it is like a strange mix, so that's what we did today, l know l didn't do much but for me l think it is not very simple to select the correct instruments.

Day 3

Today l added the piano, but then l deleted all the song because l didn't like it, so l started a new one, l also started with the base, but l didn't use the intelligent drummer Kyle, l used smart drums, so l could edit the parts and have different types of base, then l introduced the piano, but it played it automatically, l used the auto play, then l introduced the violins, but l used the pop style, and like that it sounded better.

Day 4

Today l introduced th guitars and all the drum machines, today l finished the composition, l added a loop made by GarageBand, because it is a little detail that makes a very big difference, so l could only add that loop, because if not, my composition would not very good, l still do not like much my composition, but l do not how to improve it.

Here are some photos of my composition

And that is my journal

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