Goals English 4 Period 2

One-year goals...

To get a part time job, i will achieve this goal by applying for them in the near future. i want to achieve this goal so i can be ready for when i move out and i also want to achieve it to help my parents out.

I want to develop more good friends. I want to achieve this goal because I need more good people around me

I want to start a blog. I want to achieve this goal because I want to get better at writing.

I want to paint a lot more. I want to achieve this goal because i want to get more creative.

Three year goals...

I want to write a book. I want to achieve this because, i want to put my work out there.

Get into a college. I want to go to college so I can become a teacher.

I want to own a car. I want to achieve this because I can go places on my own.

I want to graduate from high school. I want to achieve this goal so i can get on with life.

Five year goals...

I want to be moved out and in my own place. I want to achieve this goal because I would be an adult.

I want to own pets. I want to achieve this goal because I will have my own place.

I would like to be very healthy. I would like to achieve this goal because its very important to me.

I would like to have a good relationship with my family (close and extended)

ten year goals...

I want to be a teacher, I want to achieve this goal because I love kids.

I want to visit an island. I want to achieve this goal because I’ve never been to an island.

I want to visit Australia. I want to achieve this because the place is gorgeous.

I want to have a family of my own. I want to achieve this so I can be happy. ;))


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