As you think about your academic journey you may be considering an internship for one of your elective credits. This option is appropriate if you have opportunities for growth in your current profession that relate to the program or if you have a new professional opportunity that you would like to engage in to achieve class credit. All internships require approval from the OLL program before you can register.
Prepare for an Internship
1. Develop a description of the job that you will be performing with your chosen internship supervisor. Providing a description of the job that you will be performing and connecting your work supervisor and course advisor will open up the end of the semester line of communication. You will be given information to send to your supervisor and information for you to complete as well.
If you would like to discuss this further you are welcome to reach out:
End of Semester
After your course advisor receives this email, the next things will not be needed until the end of the semester when your internship supervisor will need to evaluate your work and send this evaluation to the course advisor. The internship supervisor will highlight your:
-strengths, attitude towards work and opportunities for future development
This is an evaluation that you will request from your manager. At the end of the evaluation, your internship supervisor can also assign you a grade (A through C) for your work. This evaluation will determine 75% of your final grade.
The other part of your grade will be the 8-10 page summary of the work that you performed, what you learned, how you were able to apply some of the concepts you learnt in the OLL program, and what next steps you would like to take in order to advance your career.
This report will be structured similarly to the papers you have written for class in this program (APA, well organized with clear writing style).
This report should be submitted at the end of the semester and will determine 25% of your final grade.
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