Dryads- The Nymphs Of The Forest Ciara Navin

Poem Analysis: In the poem, Dryad, Bobrowski explains the unique characteristics of the Dryads themselves. The poem was very descriptive and almost benevolent. Some of the topics in the poem were a bit abstruse but calm and well written. One thing Bobrowski did like to use, was commas. The 14 commas in the 16 lined poem is absurd! Another observation that I found, was that how oddly he lined the poem. cutting off the lines to start another one, only to start the next line on the unfinished one before. The words the author used, I found were very calm and almost soothing. Using words and phrases such as, "through the coolness, I hear fluttering," using such naturalistic types of wording that I thought personally was very beautiful and fit the poem very nicely. The author skillfully wrote the poem with a certain tone and atmosphere that it almost seems as natural as the words flowing out of his mouth.

Summary: Dryads, young, beautiful women who watch over the forest taking over the appearance of the elements surrounding them. Such as water, land, fire, and even wind. Dryads, also known as Nymphs are said that they are "specifically the Nymphs of oak trees," known as just Tree Nymphs in general. It was said that when a Nymph (or Dryad) was born, a tree was planted in their place and they were to watch over that tree. When it rained, the nymph was as happy and healthy as her tree, but when the tree died, so did the Dryad. Hamadryads, were Nymphs that their lives associated with a particular tree, these are also known as Oak Tree Nymphs. The Oreads were mountain Nymphs who were identified with a part of nature that they settled in. The word nymph is the Greek word for "young woman" so nymphs were most likely to be female. Although nymphs do not like intrusion, they are 100% friendly to another creature. They are incredibly intelligent but are rarely found or even seen.

Modern Day Allusion: In the 2005 movie, The Chronicles of Narnia, tree nymphs had the capability of leaving their tree or watery home and assuming human form. Like the mythology, the nymphs had two species as well. In the movie, there were Dryads, who kept away in the trees and plants, and Naiads, who dwelt in rivers, streams and wells. Again, like the Greek myth, the nymphs were so spiritually connected to their place of nature, that if it were destroyed, the bond would be broken and the nymph would die. The myths are very similar in very many ways. Its phenomenal to think that stories from B.C. times are still found in today's world.

Similarities: Dryads, the poem, written by Johannes Bobrowski, wrote about how the nymphs and dryads lived their peaceful lives. In my modern day allusion, I explain how Narnia's nymphs and dryads are calm and completely harmless, as I also explain in my summary. The way the dryads were written about and even acted out in a movie screen play, matched similarly. The dryads and nymphs were also explained the same way that Narnia explained their nymphs and dryads.


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