Robot Dancing By Mark brugger Group 1

For this project we were separated into two groups to make a synchronized dance routine. My group was know as group 1 and we used the tank robot. Our robots danced to "Piano Man" by Billy Joel. The people in my group were Dalton, Evan G, Eric, Mitchell, Seth, Lance, and Kipp.

Psuedocode: our group made two programs for this project and our formation was our 4th plan (seen below in drawn picture). Program 1 was for the left and Program 2 was for the right. A left was always next to and across from a right program. The main difference of the programs is that they turned and rotated opposite directions but everything else was the same.

Tank Robot
our plans drawn on the board
left program
right program


This project was both very easy and very hard. Easy because we had multiple minds working on the common goal. Hard because we had a hard time communicating. We tried to find a song, but we were very indecisive about it. It was easy to find our build and formation, but the song stumped us for days. Since we had two programs it was very hard to keep track of who had what program and who was where. But in the end we overcame all of these challenges and finished the programs. I loved the group that I was in and I have enjoyed these past couple of weeks dancing until we passed out.


Created with images by bbolender - "stage crowd fans"

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