About Us the beginning of pray each day

Crisis came. It roared up on me.

My racing heart said "Steve! Act now! It's fast, it's fierce. Crisis is upon you!"

I could emerge from this but I wanted some support. Spiritual support.

As I felt the hot breath of crisis, I wanted to be reminded of GOD'S love and strength for me and my purpose on earth. Then I could think more clearly of what was next for my life.

I looked to the worldwide web for support -- surely it would have something to get me through. But all I found was sermons or secular meditations. Nothing that spoke to me or cared about my situation.

Then I realized what I had in my hand was a beautiful empty glass. I knew someone who could help me fill it with good things ...

Beth Kelly has been praying and hanging out with Jesus for a long time. I asked her to find in her heart lots of unique prayers to speak to not only my situation but millions of other people who are needing God's strength and love right now. Not only can she write, but she recently finished a long study about how our brains work with music and prayer. She gave me a big yes.

Then I asked Jan Sanborn if she would do her piano magic for the musical underlay for the prayers and meditations.

But who to put together the voices, the music, the prayers? Jan suggested for us to consult with Michael Boddicker at Sol7 Mix & Audio Post.

Michael joined us to produce the prayers and meditations, and after many hours with great people praying Prayeachday.com was launched. So now you can "Listen. Pray. Hear God's Love." no matter what roars up behind you every day.


Created with images by winecountrymedia - "Busy town in Napa Valley, California" • aitoff - "dinosaur mirror wing mirror" • quapan - "labyrinthine circuit board lines" • niekverlaan - "wine wine glass glass" • moritz320 - "blue brown colorful" • technicolourdays - "Piano" • Timeface - "audio recording sound studio"

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