Ukraine By: Julietta Keller

Saint Sophias Cathedral in Ukraine

This Eastern Orthodox Cathedral is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Kiev, Ukraine.

Ukraine is the one that says Ukraine in bold letters and is dark orange.


This is Bacon without any meat. It is only fat.

Herring Under A Fur Coat

This dish includes pickled herring, beets, potatoes, carrots and lots of mayonnaise

Ukraine's most popular sport is "Football"

Here are some happy people playing soccer, I mean Football.

This is a Bandura.

A Ukrainian instrument used in folk music.

Ukrainian Dance

Dances in Ukraine are mostly folk dances. They are described as energetic and fast-paced.

Ukrainian Clothing

Ukrainian clothing is very folk inspired. This is a picture of some modern clothing.

This is a modern Ukrainian home.

The house is very colorful and very detailed.

Modern Ukrainian house

This is a picture of a less wacky, yet beautiful home.

Ukrainian Government

The Ukrainian Government is a Republic.

The President is Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko.

The Prime Minister is Volodymyr Groysman.

The capital of Ukraine is Kiev.

This is their President, Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko.

He is is the fifth and current President of Ukraine.

Prehistoric Ukraine

Ukraine's territory was inhabited by Neanderthals for more than 44,000 years. This as a part of the Pontic Steepe played a big part in the Eurasian cultural contact, for example the Indo-Europian expansion and the domestication of the horse.

Ukraine Independence

The independent Country Ukraine was not always this independent, it was part of the Russian Empire. After the Soviet Union broke up, Ukraine gained it's independence.

Famous Ukrainians

Never heard of any of these people, but they are on the internet so they must be famous!

THANK YOU for watching my presentation. I hope you learned a little more about Ukraine.

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